Tuesday 20 September 2016

My Management Team

I have recruited two parents to share my role as manager this season, to ensure we as a team are not only a team on the field, but off it too.

Although neither need an introduction, the blog post is too short not to...

Fund Raising Manager

Who is Mel ?  Charlie's Mam.

Interesting Fact: A former kickboxer..... so I have nothing else to say.

Qualifications: Last year Mel trained as a CRCC score keeper, volunteered to help paint the changing rooms, helped with the food and volunteered to help at every opportunity. She is also one of the most vocal parents we have on the sideline.

Social Manager

Who is Ian? Mabon's Dad

Interesting Fact: Someone in his family more or less invented the internet. Has a dodgy knee. Is a pretty good goalkeeper. Likes Curry.

Qualifications: Former Dunvant player - enough said.

Despite Ian trying to kill me every time I mention the W word, these are truely two of the most brillaiantly supportive people I have ever met. I believe with their recruitment, the team will grow beyond just Sunday mornings. Mel will be working towards raising money towards our tour(s), while Ian will be working towards organising monthly events for our kids to partake. Sometimes these roles will overlap, and I hope everyone will support them in their efforts. Any help you can offer them will be greatly appreciated. You can contact them through email or the whatsapp group, or even just speak to them on Sunday.

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