Sunday 13 November 2016

Old Pens Vs Clwb

Score 8-8
Scorers : Ralph 2, Charlie 2, Rhys, Andy, Logaan, PT
Managers Seren Y Gem : Rhys Gibbs

What a game, what a game, what a game.

Lets face it, when we turned up and saw the size of some of the Old Pens kids, the challenge ahead of us was more than evident. The number 21 on the back of one of the Old Pen's players shirt, could of been a reference to his ag rather than his position.

As the teams passed each other in training, a few comments were exchanged and the cauldron ( that have become old pens vs Clwb games) started to bubble.

Kickoff and Old Pens looked unstoppable, their size advantage showing at the ruck and fair play they played some great running/passing rugby. One try, and another and another. I feaed our heads might drop, but they didn't.

The boys and girls were like a pack of lions, they threw their all into each tackle, each ruck and although they were often coming off second best, they got back up and readied for the next exchange. This was personified by Mabon, i think I counted four tackles in a row, with him pulling his injured body off the floor to make that forth tackle.

JP's constant positive encouragement, meant that even as the 4th, 5th and 6th tries were concedeed, not a single head dropped.

The second half started, and a fresh Old Pen's team took the field. Rhys and Robert charged forward, putting us on the front foot, then Ralph stepped, stepped again and a little spark ignited as he went over for our first try. Next thing you know we are running tries in all over the place while Old Pen's were running out of ink!!!

Theo's kickoffs put the opposition on the back foot and Andy's fullback positioning meant that they were unable to leave their half with any sort of relieving kick. The message went on, one try behind, 3 minutes left. I don't think anybody quite believed it. The crowd on the one side of the pitch were going wild. Full of posivite comments and full of pride...

Kickoff, pressure... turnover. We have it and we almost predicatably scored. At this point I swear I saw a small tear roll down the cheek of Coach Bryan.

Old Pens reacted swifty, returning their big guns to the fray. But as the pendulum swung back and for, it was obvious that no-one was going to dominate this group of Clwb players now. The refs whistle blew and the score, well that was tied; but the peformace was all about Clwb.

I felt compelled to pat each one of our players on the back, what a great team performance, a never say die attitude mixed with some great individual flair. How JP how any sembelence of a voice at the end, I have no idea.

More of the same next week please.

1 comment:

  1. That's an amazing write up Scott, so proud of our little team all champions
