Thursday 6 October 2016

5 reasons not to use the W word around this man

If you have been around the team in recent seasons, you might of noticed me running for my life on a number of occassions after using the W word with reference to one of our outstanding young players...

This is a warning, don't do it... I am a professional.... but here are the main reasons why you might be dicing with death if you mimic my actions...

1. He is a popular guy, he knows a lot of people, has many contacts (apparently even in the LA underground)  that he could ring at a drop of a scrumcap; and the last thing you need is this bunch knocking your door at 2am.

2. He was born and raised in Dunvant. This is a picture of him on his first day at work down the mines aged 5 (yes he had a beard at 5) in 1865. As you probably know the first rule of dealing with the good people of Dunvant, is that you do not mess with the good people of Dunvant!!!

 3. He will set his pet on you. (He is not the dinosaur in this picture despite what you may have heard otherwise)

4. He has played the game, and not the soft game we see these days. He has more knowledge about rugby in his little finger than the combined knowledge of an autumn international crowd. His opinion should be respected, with the exception of w**g play.

5. Even if you are feeling brave and you decided to gang up on him chanting the W word, it won't bother him one bit, he will welcome those odds.

Basically leave using the W word to professionals like me...
You have been warned.

1 comment:

  1. 😂😂😂😂😂 love it
