Sunday 22 January 2017

CRCC vs Whitchurch

Score 11-4
Scorer Cai B (3) Ralph (2), Osian MD, Osian D (2), Theo (2) Charlie
Seren Y Gem Cai B
At some point this season this team was going to cut lose, and today was that day.
It was fantastic to see everyone working together, pulling in the same direction and that direction was ymlaen.
Speed, handling and vision were all on display. The ball was shovelled wide time after time, stretching the Whitchurch defence, allowing our runners to exploit and find holes across the park. Osian MD had a huge game in the tackle and carrying the ball forward. Bleddyn had a great run down the wing, only to be denied a try through a high tackle. Bethan put in a Captains performance and Charllie was like Rickson Gracie in the tackle and ruck; But today one player really stood out Cai B, not only for his hatrick but also for his Sonny Bill William like hands that put Theo in for one of his trys - one second the ball is bouncing around the floor, the next it has been scooped up in one motion and almost placed into the hands of Theo to place over the line - pure magic.
Massive thanks to Coach Aled and Coach Bryan who marshalled the troops today.

Sunday 8 January 2017


Result 7-6
Scorers Cai, Theo, Charlie (2), Cai B, Osian
Quote From Coah Bryan : Don't just stick your hand out like you are catching a bus
Seren Y Gem : Charlie

Result 7-6
Scorers Cai, Theo, Charlie (2), Cai B, Osian
Quote From Coah Bryan : Don't just stick your hand out like you are catching a bus
Seren Y Gem : Charlie

A change in year was the real only change on display. It was another early Sunday morning on a lovely muddy field, anticipation in the air and still the same old sleepy start we have come to expect; we were 2 tries down before we knew it.

The team with the I in it's name, funnily, played more team rugby and got quick results, stemming from the turnover at the ruck and quick distribution. Clwb managed to stay in touch throughout the half, bringing the score back to 4-3, but they had been outplayed for the most part across the 'square' pitch. Saying that Mabon and Rhys had made a number of thunderous runs and Cai was doing a grand job of impersonating Shane Williams.

The second half started and CRICC crossed again; but that only served as the wake up to CLWB. Charlie ensured the ball was ours for most of the second half and with ball in hand, tries were bound to come... and they did with such style and determination, plus rapturous applause and parental 'hooting'. With the scores tied at 6, everyone felt the game was for the taking, but chwarae teg to CRICC, they dug deep and forced a try with pace on the outside and not much time left on the clock.

A close game which in truth could of gone either way bar a few decisions. Well played all and I for one am already looking forward to the next time these two teams cross swords.

Sunday 11 December 2016

Clwb Panto - 18-12-2016

CRCC vs Llandaff North

Scorers - Osian D (5), Charlie, Tomos B
Managers Seren Y Gem - Osian D

How do you put into words what happened on Pontcanna fields today? Which words can give justice to the efforts, heart and skills shown by our under 11's team against Llandaff North. It was another incredible story fit for a cinematic release. With Sion Corn along for the ride!! Ho Ho Ho!!!

As the teams warmed up, it was evident the opposition towered over us; but the David and Goliath story is nothing new to our team, its all our boys and girls have known this season.

The difference this time around was Llandaff North seemed to be able to ruck like they had just returned from a three week intensive course with Sam Warburton and David Pocock. They were certainly a tight unit, not interested in spreading the ball out wide, but like rampaging Rhinos took the ball up, recycled and repeated... and repeated until they reached that sweet white line.

Chwareae teg, Llandaff North got results via that tactic and were 3 tries up in no time at all. It looked ominous, but Clwb dan 11 are turning into that boxer or cage fighter that needs to taste their own blood before reacting, as so it was the fight back started.

Osian D scored his trademark try down the wing, before adding a second. Llandaff North were rocked, but another try by them seemed to settle their collective nerves. 2-4 with half time beckoning, and the ball went lose near the half way line. Time seemed to slow down, everyone held their breath and only one person reacted... Felix; he scooped the ball up and in one movement shipped it wide, into Charlie's hands. Charlie now, running so hard, went inside them, outside them, through them and eventually over in the corner for Clwbs third and things were looking alot brighter at half time. The score was 3-4. We had been here before, the belief was there.

The second half started and Llandaff encouraged by their coaches words rucked themselves over Clwbs line to increase their lead, but that was the last time in the game where their dominence at the ruck was observed. From that point on every ruck was a competition, and where before Llandaff North won everything, they now started getting pinged for hands on the ball and offiside by Sion Corn. With Cwlb having more of the ball in the second half, the tries came... first through the ever improving Tomos B, before Osian D ran in a hatrick of unanswered tries. At the final whistle the score was 7-5 ito the home team.

Today once again, the boys and girls showed great spirit. That never die attitude that they have forged through some of the more difficult games earlier in the season is now bearing fruit. It was a richly deserved win, and it was a great early Christmas gift to anyone lucky enough to witness it, a real honour. If that wasn't enough drama for you, next Sunday is the Clwb Panto at The Cayo.

One Last thing, I would just quickly like to that thank Sion Corn for making such an effort turning up and reffing today (in JPs absence) especially at this time of the year.  I thought Cai's dad shouting "rubbish ref....get back up your chimney" was a little harsh; especially as he had no influence regarding Clwb losing the coin toss. I cannot and will not put into print what Aled said regarding Sion Corn, but I do concede it was very accurate and amusing. Also, a massive thanks must go to Mel again for manning the cafe allowing the rest of us to enjoy the game.


Sunday 4 December 2016

Rhymney Vs Clwb

Score 4-10
Osian 4, Charlie 2, Cai, Cameron 2, James 1
Managers Seren y Gem - Cameron/Osian D
Quote JP : Shaking head "Too much football on a saturday"

It was classical crisp December morning in Wales. In a car park in front of Rhymney Rugby's Club house, several brown bags containing copious amounts of Haribo were exchanged, allowing for Clwb to get the numbers they needed to put a team on the field; and what signings these turned out to be.

Clwb with their shirts inside out gelled instantly well with the new recruits, handshakes all around. You could smell the anticipation in the air, mixed with the aroma of Mel's quality hot chocolate.

 Clwb kickoff'd, but soon took control of the ball, with Osian going over for the opening try. Yet despite Clwb scoring again through Charlie, Rhymney came back strong with two impressive tries of their own. Our new signings (the front row union) were immense in the scrum, giving Cai B quick ball to operate with. Felix had a number of forceful runs and his running on the shoulder and quick hands led to Clwb going over twice more before the half, but Rhymney struck back; meaning the half time score stood at 3-4. All to play for.

Second half, and Clwb had some more new recruits. We might have lost our new front row, but we gained some skilful backs. Again, an exchange of handshakes and game on. Cai B was playing with increasing confidence running everything back, with one special run down the wing, where he decided pointing at the sky from the halfway line was a good idea; chwarae teg, he went under the posts. Clwb ran in another great try from a line out just inside their own twenty two (try of the season - James). Cameron went over for two more tries from Osian and Charlie extend the lead. Rhymney scored an outstanding try of their own in return that had everyone applauding.

The game ended, and Clwb were victors on the scoreboard. In truth, the real victor of the day was Rugby, Rhymney were the perfect hosts, so generous with their players and attitude and spirit to the game. So a massive thanks to Rhymney from Clwb, coaches, parents and players alike, for making today happem.

And one last thing Clwb, we need to invest in more brown paper bags and haribo!!!





Tuesday 29 November 2016

Clwb vs Cowbridge

Gem 1 : 5-2 Charlie Eben
Gem 2: 5-3 Charlie Osian Ffred
Managers Seren y Gemau : Cai B
So Sunday arrived again. We went from playing Cowbridge away, to playing Cowbridge and Brecon away, to playing Cowbridge and Brecon at home to playing just Cowbridge at home.
The Cowbridge team was stacked with talent, apparently up to 9 of the Cowbridge players being selected for the regional schools team. Yet despite the challenge ahead, everyone was buoyant and looking forward to the contest. Clwb dan 11’s seems to have developed a positive attitude no matter the task at hand.
And again we started off well, Charlie going over for the opening try with his signature hard running. Eben also scored impressively to leave us all square at half time. A few individual mistakes in the second half led Cowbridge taking and stretching the lead, a lead that never relinquished. The first match ended 2-5.
The 2nd game mirrored the first, Charlie scoring early and Osian and Ffred getting onto the scoreboard. Yet Cowbridge again pounced on individual efforts with Clwb giving away interception tries and the like; which ultimately took the game away from Clwb. The game ended 3-5.
But it was far from doom and gloom, there was still a lot to celebrate. For one, Clwb started to look more structured, especially in the back line. You could see the backline evolve throughout the match, they were certainly working better than a few other backlines that weekend. I can’t wait to see it develop further.
Bethan was great at getting the ball out of the ruck quickly which allowed the team some go forward; and Cai B’s strong ‘Jamie Roberts-eque” running created opportunities for others throughout both matches.
 Onwards and upwards Clwb.

Friday 18 November 2016

Mel's Ghost Walk

The faint but unmistakeable sound of Ray Parker Juniors biggest hit drifted from several of the arriving cars that transported the bravest members of the C.R.C.C. under 11's team to the sponsored ghost walk around Pontcanna fields.

As the children waited for the start of the walk, delicious rocky roads (diolch Haf) and sweets were furiously devoured. Whilst Dr Rob gave a in-depth and scientifically sound lecture on why fire needs oxygen to survive. He might have to correct me but I think it was something along the lines of 2H+O2--> 2H2O.

But I digress...
It was a cold and dark night, the mist rolled up off the Taff covering the rugby pitches, not allowing all but the most eagle eyed to see the 22 from the try line. Everyone gathered around in a huddle, as the first tale (about a frog wench that would drag herself out the Taff, with the sole purpose of terrifying Cardiffians) was recounted. The children howled in glee, determined not to be scared and headed off into the dark.... whilst just off in the mist small little lights started appearing and disappearing, we were being watched!!!!

 As the children moved around the fields, the stories got darker and darker only to be matched by the darkness of the dimming light. A certain parent (who remains nameless but likes Kababs and Stella) recounted his own horror stories of the Taff Trails, it was enough to put the willys up you (his words not mine). Whilst another parent jumped out the bushes howling like a banshee and Mel donned a witches mask that nearly sent Theo running for the hills. The boys although still in high spirits, suddenly started walking in a tighter formation, they was almost maul like.

Another ghost story at Blackweir, a ghost pushing a high fiving cyclist off his bike and it was time to head back, down the spookily tree lined path. You could see a few heads turning back in the torch light, making sure nothing but the mist was following them back from the Taff. There was more than a little relief as the changing rooms came back into sight, everyone had a hot chocolate to celebrate. As they warmed up slightly, the boasting started about how unscarred they had been during the walk, but the children didn't believe their parents blatant lies.

 It wasn't until I reached home and looked at some of the photos (see above), did I realise how ghostly the walk had been... It was a truly a spooktastic event with so much thanks for arranging, performing and making sure everyone had a great time going to Mel.

So everyone please get your sponsorship monies to Mel or myself, even if you didn't attend, please, please, please support those that braved the darkness of Pontcanna...